The locality of Hornsdale was identified as a potential location for a wind farm in South Australia in 2009.
An initial feasibility assessment was undertaken to determine the suitability of the area to accommodate a wind farm. This feasibility assessment was based on the assessment criteria outlined below:
- Landholders supportive of developing a wind farm on their property;
- Proximity of site to sensitive visual receptors and ecological or historical environments
- Adequate wind resources (a wind monitoring tower was erected on site in 2010 and 3 further towers in 2011, providing many years of high quality wind data ;
- Proximity to electricity network connection and capacity available at the anticipated connection point;
- Suitable land in terms of:
- Terrain and geology;
- Ecological conditions;
- Historic conditions;
- Land area;
- Compatible land uses;
- Planning controls; and
- Access to the site.

Following the determination of this site as a suitable location for a wind farm, via the initial feasibility assessment and confirmation of the wind resource on site, the consultancy firm Aurecon has been chosen to undertake technical assessments (including noise, ecological, visual, heritage etc) to develop a development application and assist in obtaining the relevant planning approvals.
Consultation with the participating landowners, Council and relevant Government Authorities has been undertaken and wider community engagement has been proposed with Community Information Days in Jamestown, Tarcowie and Caltowie in 2011, before Development Approval and EPBC Approval were granted in 2012 and 2013.
The Hornsdale Wind Farm site comprises approximately 7,500 hectares of private freehold land which continues to be farmed by the landholders in addition to hosting wind turbines.
25 years of affordable clean power