Local Benefits
For Your Community
Hornsdale Wind Farm will bring a range of benefits to Jamestown and surrounding areas.
Watch this video to see the benefits another Neoen project brought to communities in Wunghnu, Numurkah in regional Victoria.

Hornsdale Wind Farm, located in the Yorke and Mid North region, brings significant employment and economic support to local citizens and to the State more broadly.
Neoen has allocated an amount of $120,000 through its General Community Fund for not for profit community groups located within the Northern Areas Council where the Hornsdale Wind Farm and the Hornsdale Power Reserve are located. This fund helps to support local community initiatives and/or activities within the Council area.
We applied for a grant to install a wind turbine & solar panel array at the school. The purpose was for the students to understand the different streams of energy production. It was a very simple application process.”
Kristie Miller, Principal

The Community Benefit Sharing Program provides significant, meaningful benefits to communities around the Hornsdale Wind Farm.
Hornsdale Wind Farm 1, 2 and 3 have a cumulated $120,000 annual Community Benefit Fund which is administered by the Northern Areas Council.
It provides grants for local community groups including sports clubs, schools and environmental initiatives. The grants range from $1,000 to $8,000.
Contributing to improved health and wellbeing outcomes in regional communities
Encouraging community participation, involvement and connection
Fostering creativity and connection in the community through art and culture
Gladstone Community Caravan Park
10kw Solar Panels at the Gladstone Community Caravan Park
Bundaleer Forest Community Areas Association
The installation of a solar energy system on tilt frames to mitigate energy costs at the Bundaleer Picnic Ground and Visitor Complex
Georgetown Community Development Association
The installation of 10kw of solar panels at the Georgetown Memorial Hall
Jamestown Peterborough Football and Netball Club Inc.
An additional 15kw of solar panels to alleviate high energy bills
Spalding District
The installation of a 10kw solar energy system
Belalie Arts Society
The installation of a 5kw solar energy system
Jamestown Table Tennis
Association the installation of 10kw of solar panels
Mannanarie Public Hall
The installation of a 3kw Solar Energy system to mitigate energy costs
Spalding Swimming Pool
The installation of a 10kw solar energy system
Gladstone Community Development and Tourism Association
the replacement of existing fluoro lights at the Southern Flinders Discovery Centre with LED lights
Belalie Arts Society
Installation of lighting in new exhibition space
Bundaleer Sports
Contribution toward pipe and casing for new boreto service the Bundaleer Sporting
Caltowie Corridors of Green
Appila Springs Environmental Field Day
Georgetown Bowling Club
Interior refurbishment of the Clubrooms
Gladstone Bowling Club
Installation of a new hot water service
Gladstone History Group
Preservation of Railway “Billy’s” Wagon including protective shelter
Jamestown Apex Club
Event Funding for the Caltowie Chilled Out and Fired Up Festival
Jamestown Combined Services
Event funding for the 2019 Jamestown Christmas Pageant
Jamestown Country Women’s Association
Refurbishment of the CWA Kitchen
Jamestown Diggers Walk War Commemoration Committee
Event Funding for the 100th year celebrations of the orignial World War I commemorative Diggers Walk
Jamestown Golf Club
Replacement of the existing floor coverings in the clubrooms
Jamestown Mural Festival
Event funding for the Jamestown Mural Festival
Jamestown National Trust
Installation of security cameras at the Jamestown Museum
Laura Community Development and Tourism Association
Restoration of historic grader used to maintain Herbert Street when it was originally established
Laura Community Gym
Veranda for the Gym Building
Laura Folk Fair
Installation of new meter box
Spalding Sports Association
Security system for Spalding Sports Complex
Tarcowie Landcare
Silver leaf daisy recovery and conservation
Jamestown Regional Stadium
20kw solar energy system to mitigate energy costs
Laura Community Caravan Park Management Committee
30kw tilt solar energy system to mitigate energy costs
Gladstone Swimming Pool
Major upgrade of existing solar energy system, with additional 9.5kw to mitigate energy costs
Jamestown Development Association
11kw solar energy system to mitigate energy costs at the Jamestown Memorial Hall
Jamestown Hydrotherapy Pool
Intsallation of inverter heat pump and hybrid heating system
Jamestown Lawn Tennis Club
Installation of 11kw solar energy system to mitigate energy costs
Jamestown Swimming Pool
Major upgrade of existing solar energy system, with additional 13kw to mitigate energy costs
RSL and Combined Services Clubs Jamestown
Installation of 10kw solar energy system to mitigate energy costs
Spalding Sports Association
Installation of 8kw Solar Energy System to mitigate energy costs
Bundaleer Sport and Recreation Committee
Establish a solar pumping system for irrigation and water supply to the Bundaleer Sporting Reserve and Picnic Grounds
Jamestown Bowling Club
Installation of 10.5kw solar energy system to mitigate overall energy costs for clubrooms and exterior
Victoria Park Jamestown Management Committee
Solar and LED lighing installation at Victoria Park Public Toilets to mitigate energy costs
Bundaleer Forest Community Areas Association
Bundaleer Picnic Ground Community Celebration
Combined Sports Association
Gecko Grass winter cricket pitch cover
Gladstone Caravan Park
Establish a verandah on the two new ensuite accommodation units
Gladstone Country Fair
Support for the 2018 Gladstone Country Fair
Gladstone Hall Management Committee
Upgrade toilets at the Gladstone Memorial Hall
Gladstone History Group
Restore and repaint buffer wagon
Jamestown Apex Club
Purchase of an 80 hp tractor for irrigation project
Jamestown Flying Group
Contribution toward the 2018 Jamestown Fly In and Air Spectacular
Jamestown Lions Club
Establish a storage shed to house the new Lions Club catering van
Jamestown National Trust
Window refurbishment, including replacement of blinds
JDA Tourism Committee
Roofing materials for upgrade to RM Williams former school building at Louden Brae
Laura Caravan Park
Bore water connection to service landascaped sites and self sufficient sites
Laura Cricket Club
Gecko Grass winter cricket pitch cover
Laura Memorial Civic Centre Management Committee
Replacement of outdated stoves and rangehood system in the Hall kitchen
Mannanarie Public Hall Committee
Photographic record of the Narien Range to be dispalyed in the Mannanarie Public Hall
Mid North Suicide Prevention Network
Community launch event for the newly established network
Spalding District Inc
Final stage modifications to the Spalding District Hall Kitchen Upgrade
Visit Jamestown Tourism Committee
Assistance toward the printing and distribution of 20,000 visit Jamestown brochures
Yacka Community Development Association
Yacka Community Computer Upgrade
Belalie Arts Society
Replcement of the refrigerator in the Bealie Art Gallery
Jamestown AH and F Society
Upgrade to the foyer of the Stacey Pavillion
Jamestown Development Association -Diggers Walk Sub Committee
Signange acknowledging the 3rd/9th light horse regiment on Diggers Walk
Jamestown Development Association
Supper Room upgrade stage 4 – floor sanding an upgrade
Jamestown Hydrotherapy Pool and Gymnasium Management Committee
Installation of a swipe card security system for patrons
Jamestown Regional Stadium
Seal of car park area and other high traffic areas surrounding the stadium
Rocky River Historic and Art Society
Painting of window frames and external woodwork at the Rocky River Archive Building
Spalding Cricket Club
Upgrade of the practice facilities. Replacement of crushed dust and rubble in run ups with concrete